Marshalls PLC – Ramsbottom

Project Overview

As the UK’s leading manufacturer of natural stone and concrete landscaping products, Marshalls PLC were looking to reduce their Carbon footprint and energy Costs at their manufacturing sites across the UK. Since 2018, the Marshalls Ramsbottom site had under-gone numerous initiatives as part of their ISO 50001 continuous improvement strategy. Clark Controls were brought in by Richard Capper MEI (Group Carbon & Energy Manager) to advise and provide solutions to a number of challenges faced by the environmental and sustainability team. The site itself was a quarry based manufacturing site, with numerous industrial shed type buildings, heated by a combination of gas or oil. The goal was to improve the energy management capabilities and reduce heating energy consumption.


Marshalls faced a number of key challenges at the start of the project. A lack of onsite control meant that unoccupied areas were heated, whilst other occupied areas received inadequate heating. This led to excessive heating consumption and therefore, costs.


Through the process of a site survey, joint agreement on ambitions and targets, and Installation of a Clarke Controls EMS, we were able to achieve all of the declared objectives.


The Clarke Controls EMS provided the ideal solution to the management challenges and exceeded all expectations. The system was installed in Jan. 2020 and despite COVID based challenges, delivered excellent results.

  • Predicted annual savings of £12,756 on gas heating, verified savings after just 5 months £11,537
  • Improved culture of onsite energy management through behavioral change
  • Predicted return on investment of 12 months. On track to achieve in just 6 months
  • Full operational control of heating, with cloud based access, management and reporting


Richard Capper MEL (Group Carbon 8 Energy Manager for Marshal’s PLC) confirmed that Clarke Controls had exceeded all expectations and achieved outstanding results to date, in what has been a very challenging year due to COVID-19. and commented “I wanted to work with a company that had the experience and expertise to address our energy management Issues. and that company was Clarke Controls. The results speak for themselves”.

Published (19/07/22)