At Clarke Controls, we are constantly developing innovative new energy management systems to help save our customers even more money. Whilst managing and monitoring the energy consumption of industrial heating systems is well-established, the same cannot be said for electricity usage. This is because many electrical systems run off various circuits meaning that it’s a lot harder to identify where savings could be made.
The Clarke Controls Utility Metering System is designed to remotely monitor electricity supplies and gas meters to provide constant and continuous information for electricity and gas consumption, we call it Measure+Save. Electricity supplies can be monitored not only at the meter points but also on the outputs of distribution boards or inputs to specific pieces of equipment, enabling you to pinpoint energy consumption and wastage. Data is then relayed to our integrated Web Control System where it can be accessed in a timely, flexible and user-friendly manner, providing you with essential management information. If you want to know how much electricity you are using and where you are using it, this is the system for you.
To find out more about our process, call us today.
How will Clarke Controls cut your electricity bills?
– From accurate consumption data, Clarke Controls’ energy advisors will identify where savings can be made, and prepare an electricity management plan for each zone, production area or building.
– Email alerts notify users when ‘unauthorised usage’ occurs. For example, where heating or lighting is left on when the business is closed.
– Web-based remote control system means local tampering with heating and lighting controls can be eliminated.
No need to change existing energy suppliers or tariffs.
The highly accurate energy usage data and detailed reports from the web interface mean that wastage can be easily identified and reduced. By accurately pinpointing usage across specific circuits, zones and buildings you can easily identify the areas you could save money in by installing energy savings devices such as motion sensors, LED lighting or light funnels.
It is a fully managed service and is easily scalable so would be suitable for a businesses operating at one site or multiple. By working with us to identify ways of reducing energy consumption, see what savings you could be making on your electricity bills.